Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pet Peeves

I've been really easily agitated lately (more than usual, if you know me at all then you'll know this is a huge deal) and I don't know if it's because of the lack of sleep I sometimes get, or the stress I constantly feel, or everything else has just become so much more annoying all at once. So let's talk about some pet peeves of mine.

Talking loudly so that other people will hear all the wonderfully cool things you're saying.
This is different than people who just talk loudly. No, these people want strangers to know about how cool they are and know about all the super cool things they did over the weekend. Or how they have a really cool job and make a lot of money. Or they want someone they like to know what they're missing out on. Just stop it, you animals. It's so obnoxious and does not make anyone think you are cool. It only makes people want to get away from you as fast as possible.

Quotes or song lyrics in tweets or facebook status'.
This is one of the worst ways to use social media. Why are you tweeting that Katy Perry lyric? What is your purpose? You're not adding anything to the conversation. You're copying someone else's work so that people will think you're deep. Or you're using it to be vague so that someone (an ex, a boyfriend/girlfriend, a friend you're fighting with, a cat) will see the message and get whatever point you're childishly trying to make. And it's fucking pathetic. I don't say that lightly.

This one might be a touchy one, and I don't really mean religion as an overall thing. I have my own issues with the thing, but I understand how some people need something to believe in to make sense of this world. That's cool if that's your way of dealing. But if you're flaunting that religion or talking about it online in anyway at all, you are annoying everyone around you. I don't want to see whatever verse that is describing your momentary life crisis on my timeline or feed.

Humble Brags.
"He kept telling me how sexy I was but it's like, come on creeper stop being so creepy."
"I mean, she kept telling me how awesome I was at my job and it was almost too much"
"People just couldn't keep up with me because I'm so good at what I do and I couldn't help but wish that they would improve so that we could all be good."
You're the worst human being.

Trying to make me feel better.
Am I the only one that doesn't like it when people try to make you feel better? I figured this out a lot recently. I don't want to hear that "it'll get better" or "remember back then? You had a rough time then too but you ended up loving it" or "yeah, maybe it wasn't a good idea for you to do that." This is something I'll have to deal with because it's in peoples nature to make those around them feel better. But if you're reading this, and the opportunity arises that I'm confiding in or bitching to you, just know that the only thing I want you to be do is listen. Unless you are my parents, anything you say will be the wrong thing.

Proudly claiming you're a nerd.
Just cut it out with that. You're probably not. I have a super specific idea of what makes a nerd, and liking pokemon or video games or comic books does not qualify you as a nerd. Especially if you're a girl, it gets even more specific. The only awesome actual nerd I've ever met is a girl I met in high school and she wasn't constantly saying she was a "total nerd lol." She was proving it.

Complaining about money.
I don't know if you guys know this, but I hate money. I'm known for leaving money laying out in my car for everyone to see. I'm known for leaving a few hundred dollars somewhere in my room and then forgetting it ever existed. I'm known for going out to eat seven times a week (that's rounding down).  But the pet peeve really isn't about people who care about money. It's the people who whine that they don't have money and then go to a mall the very next day. Or people who complain online about how they don't have the money to be going out. Or even worse, the person online who are boasting about how much money they're making. One, you're making people feel bad; two, you're bragging and it's awful; and three, no.one.cares.

Young people talking about what makes them adult or complaining that they're "so old" because they remembered something from the '90s.
When college kids or young adults in their early 20s talk about how they're such adults because they're in bed before midnight every night, or they light candles, or they opted for a salad over a pizza, or they spent "sooo much money on bills ugh", I'm annoyed. None of that makes you an adult. Nothing "makes" you an adult. You just are. You can do whatever you want. Pull an all-nighter or spend a Saturday watching an iCarly rerun or avoid taking the trash out for a day. You're still an adult because you're the one deciding to do that.
And hey, if you're 18-30 you are not old. Just because someone reminded you of how old some 90s TV star is now does not make you old. You're being obnoxious and it's embarrassing for you.

The term "pet peeves."
The end.

That's all I have time for now. I really hope you guys are all "dude, that annoys me too" and we can laaaugh and laugh and laugh talking about it all night.


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