Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dog Days

Once again I slept in late, but this time it was because I didn't sleep well the night before.
For some reason, since being here, it takes me a really long time to fall asleep. Which, I don't know if you know this, is one of the worst most frustrating things to ever happen to a person.

Once I finally managed to get out of bed (mostly because I heard my phone go off across the room), it didn't take long for me to be showered and at E's apartment. For those of you new to this whole thing, E is my best friend. We drove up to E's sisters house so that E could grab some things before she leaves town, and I was there mainly so that I could play with this little guy:
E's sister, J, sent me this picture Saturday night with the caption "Where's my good friend Al?"
We spent the day there (and at the mall) and then had a fantastic dinner before calling it a night. Mostly what I'm saying is I spent the day around people I like and dogs that are super freaking cute.

I got back to my apartment late but I was wanting to play with Louie, so I was on the ground messing with him and then Play Time went terribly wrong and I ended up getting my face mangled by my dog's nails. Nails, mind you, that I have been meaning to trim but have been putting off making the appointment. So this whole thing was Louie basically giving me the ol' middle finger to me not getting his nails trimmed and it's all my fault. Dogs, they can't just use their words.

And because immediately after it happened (well, after laying on the ground in pain for about five minutes too long), I knew I was going to blog about this and took a picture. To show you that my face WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
That scratch goes down past my eyes, guys.

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