Monday, September 24, 2012

Apartment Emergencies

In the past year or so I've been repeating the mantra that I never want to own a home. I know renting is a bitch, and when you have a 90 pound dog you learn this fact more than anyone else. But, like, I'm lazy and I don't know how to fix things. I feel like when you own a home there is always something that needs to be fixed or yard work to be done. I'm not quite sure how this appeals to anyone because there are just so many things out there that I would rather be doing than yard work.

Renting is just easy because if something breaks or messes up even slightly, I call someone and they come over and fix it.

Not long after I moved into my townhouse in Lawrence, I found mold in the back room by the garage. Do you guys realize how hard it is to fix this kind of thing? It involves a lot of work and apparently it's dangerous for your health. Guys, I already have enough to worry about concerning my health what with me eating pizza for five out of seven dinners a week. I don't need mold to come in and fuck this delicate system up. I won't go out like that.

Short story even shorter, I just complained at the leasing office and someone was by with bleach and all that other stuff they use to kill mold. It took, like, a day. If I had owned that townhouse, I would have either had to fix it myself or call someone (and pay them) to come fix it and that would have taken something longer than a day. So if I'm missing some upside to owning a home you can let me know because at this point I am seeing nothing except for being able to own 90 pound dogs as well as a cute little 30 pound dog and maybe even a cat (no one let me go near a pet store, I'm serious).

The other day I was sitting on the couch all innocently and such, probably watching something like American Pickers or Awkward (I'm a complex girl) when I started to hear dishes making noises in the sink. From my experience, dishes don't usually start moving around by themselves. My first reaction is to always yell "Louie!" to 1) see where he is and 2) make him stop whatever trouble he's getting into. This time he just so happened to be laying right next to me on the floor. I figured a cup had just slipped a little, no big deal.

A few seconds later there is a bigger clanging noise, now cups are definitely knocking against each other. What the shit is happening, ghosts don't exist.

APPARENTLY, sinks start THROWING UP water that they have swallowed earlier. And it's disgusting. The dishwasher hadn't been running so the sink just thought it was a good idea to act up for no reason at all because it's a sink and what else does it have to do, you know?

And turning the garbage disposal on does NOT work because the water goes down on one side of the sink and rises up on the other and it threatens to move from a mess in the sink to a mess all over the kitchen floor.

Thirty minutes later, two guys in blue jumpsuits were fixing my sink. And five minutes after that they were out the door. My sink was fixed, and I barely had to get off the couch.

I meant to take a picture and then completely forgot until I went to write this. WOOPS.


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